From impossible to possible: Large-scale continuous services connect the entire earth
KAUST CTL M.S. student Hao Lin, was recognized for his work on large-scale connectivity of low earth orbit (LEO) satellite mega constellations, which won the best poster award at the 6G Summit Abu Dhabi in 2024. The work proposes a new key performance indicator (KPI) to capture the level of global connectivity. His work, done in collaboration with Professors Mustafa A.Kishk and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, proves the existence of the phase transition for the global large-scale continuous coverage capability based on stochastic geometry and percolation theory. A key aspect is the closed-form critical condition of the phase transition, which minimizes the service overhead of general large-scale applications and puts forward basic requirements for the design of LEO satellite mega constellations.
Hao Lin said: “We are honored to receive this recognition. As a key concept of this work, we believe that through the advancement of satellite communication technology and the deployment of constellations, large-scale continuous satellite services will soon be realized. LEO satellite mega constellation will play a unique role in many fields such as agriculture, industry, transportation, security and remote education, and finally bridge the digital divide.”
The 6G Summit Abu Dhabi brings together top experts from academia, industry and government to promote cooperation, share insights and drive the development of 6G technology. The summit will serve as a catalyst for promoting partnerships and interdisciplinary cooperation that will shape the future of 6G. More information about the 6G Summit Abu Dhabi is available at: https://www.6gsummitabudhabi.com/