Bang Huang Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering FDA-MIMO Radar Talget Detection ISAC haps remote sensing
Gyan Deep Verma Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering FSO/RF Systems Adaptive Optics intelligent reflecting surfaces Chaos Shift Keying
Jiajie Xu Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Underwater sensor networks Underwater target detection and localization Underwater acoustic and optical communication FSO systems Maritime vehicles; teams; modelling
Jiao Wu Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted Wireless Communications Wideband terahertz communications Near-field massive MIMO systems
Kaiqiang Lin Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Wireless Underground Sensor Networks LoRAWAN Space-Air-Ground-Underground Integrated Networks Wireless Energy Transfer Reinforcement Learning
Mikail Erdem Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering estimation/cancellation in wireless communications full duplex communication Terahertz communications
Mohammad Shehab Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering machine learning Non-Terrestrial Networks Catastrophic communication Communication in extreme environments
Muneer Al-ZuBi Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Radio Wave Propagation Modeling RF Measurements molecular communication Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Ngoc-Phuc Le Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Next generation wireless communications Signal processing
Ruibo Wang Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Stochastic Geometry Satellite Communications Optical communications
Xiaowei Pang Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Non-Terrestrial Networks haps ISAC