Funding OverviewThe research conducted at the Communication Theory Lab (CTL) at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) has been supported by generous funds and/or grants from: KAUST - CEMSEComputer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Divisiongo to websiteKAUST - SRI - UQStrategic Research Initiative on Uncertainty Quantificationgo to websiteKAUST - OSROffice of Sponsored Researchgo to websiteKAUST - RSRCRed Sea Research Centergo to websiteKAUST - SHIKAUST Smart-Health Initiativego to websiteKAUST - CLIKAUST Climate and Livability Initiativego to websiteKAUST - CRIKAUST Coral Restoration Initiativego to websiteKAUST - WEPKAUST Winter Enrichment Programgo to website KACSTKing Abdul-Aziz City of Sciences and Technologygo to websiteTCM CoreTransportation and Crowd Management Research Center of Research Excellencego to websiteQNRFQatar National Research Fundgo to websiteSABICSABIC Corporationgo to websiteSTCSaudi Telecom Companygo to websiteESPRCUK Research Councilgo to websiteONR GlobalOffice of Naval Research Globalgo to websiteCOSTEuropean Cooperation in Science and Technologygo to websiteEricssonEricssongo to websiteITUInternational Telecommunication Uniongo to websiteMetaMeta Connectivitygo to websiteNEOMNEOMgo to websiteCST CommissionCST CommissionSaudi Communication and Space Technology Commissiongo to websiteICTPICTPInternational Centre for Theoretical Physicsgo to websiteSaudi NIHSaudi NIHSaudi National Institute of Healthgo to websiteENERCOMP Technology ConsortiumENERCOMP Technology ConsortiumTechnology Consortium for Composites Performance in Energy Applicationsgo to website