Profile Content - (F)

First Letter
A (59) | B (7) | C (5) | D (7) | E (3) | F (14) | G (6) | H (30) | I (8) | J (16) | K (15) | L (9) | M (57) | N (9) | O (4) | P (3) | Q (2) | R (12) | S (30) | T (8) | U (3) | W (8) | X (5) | Y (17) | Z (9)
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, Stochastic Geometry, Visible light communications
Free-space optical wireless communication, FSO systems
Performance analysis
Data Analyst, Software Developer
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative relay network, HetNets, Short range and femtocell networks
Diversity systems, Limited feedback multiuser systems, ​Audiovisual signal compression and transmission
artificial intelligence, Deep learning, machine learning, Reinforcement Learning
Capacity of fading channels, Interference management in femtocell networks
artificial intelligence, Wireless Communications
Digital signal processing in communications, Information and communication theory, Signal propagation aspects
Action Recognition, Self-supervised learning, Video Understanding