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Wireless communication
bandwidth allocation, Channel modeling, mmWave/Terahertz communications
Coding and information theory, Lattice theory
Capacity analysis of wireless systems, Secure communications
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative relay network, Embedded system developing, MPLS network
cloud computing, edge computing, IoT, NFV, SDN
machine learning, Wireless communication
Digital signal processing, Physical layer security
Signal processing
Wireless communication
artificial intelligence, Generative AI and LLMs
artificial intelligence, machine learning, software
Multi-hop communication systems
Massive MIMO, wireless sensor networks
Wireless localization
communications, wireless networks
wireless communication systems
Stochastic Geometry
femto cell performance in heterogeneous networks
Bayesian computational statistics, data analysis
Resource allocation
UAV communications
Ziyuan Shi
Cognitive and sensor radio networks, Performance limits at low power regime, Physical layer security