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Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems, Next generation wireless communications, UAV-enabled Communication Systems
Communication Theory, data science, Signal processing, Wireless Communications
cognitive radio systems, communications, FD-MIMO, modulation schemes, optical wireless communication systems
Cooperative relay network, wireless sensor networks
Catastrophic communication, Communication in extreme environments, machine learning, Non-Terrestrial Networks
AI, BLE communication, Neural Networks, Python
adaptive control, Aerial Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, UAV
Cooperative and cognitive systems, Robust adaptive beamforming, Statistical and array signal processing
Muhammad Dzaky Ivansyah
machine learning, neural network
convex optimization, Performance analysis of wireless systems, statistical signal processing
wireless sensor networks
Cooperative diversity systems, Green communications, Wireless Communications
Statistical Signal Processing and Adaptive Filtering
communication systems, Localization, technology advancements.
Internet of Bio-Nano Things, molecular communication, Radio Wave Propagation Modeling, RF Measurements
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks, Laser Communications, Physical layer security, Stochastic Geometry, UAV-enabled Communication Systems
Cognitive Communication, Green communications, Modulation and coding, Performance analysis
Microgrids, Power electronics, Renewable integrations, Renewable-based power systems
Differential equations, Mathematical modeling, Multi-agent systems
Monte Carlo, Wireless communication
artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Generative AI and LLMs
heterogenous vertical networks, Localization, multi-dimensional signal processing, non-conventional communication networks, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking, Wireless Communications
Next generation wireless communications, Signal processing
data analysis, MATLAB, Programming language, Web Technologies
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative relay network, Interference aware MIMO transmitter and receiver design
Next-generation Wireless Networks, Optical Wireless Communication
Optical Wireless Communication, Security and Privacy, wireless networks
cloud computing, Communication Theory, Distributed algorithms, Image coding, Optimization theory and applications
applied mathematics, computational methods, MATLAB, Signal processing
Free Space Optics, Hardware impairments, Performance analysis
Adaptive filtering, Cooperative relay network, Ultrawide bandwidth wireless communication systems
Channel modeling, Massive MIMO Systems, Next Generation Wireless Communication Systems, Random Matrix Theory
Cellular Communication, Cooperative networks, Handover management in wireless networks, Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Performance evaluation of 5G cellular networks, Stochastic Geometry, Stochastic Geometry modeling of wireless networks
Cognitive radios, Cooperative communications, Green communications, Heterogeneous networks
next-generation communication systems, optical communication, optimization in sensor networks, Wireless communication theory
Cognitive radio network, Physical layer security, Wireless Communications
FSO systems, MIMO, Optical Wireless Communication
Applied Machine Learning, FMCW radar, Wireless communication
Optical wireless communications
Optical communications, Satellite Communications, Stochastic Geometry
artificial intelligence, Wireless communication
Low complexity sphere decoding, MIMO and Passive radar, MIMO-radar waveform design
Delay Tolerant Networks, LoRa, TinyML, Visible light communications
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications
cognitive radio networks., Indoor localization, network coding, Vehicular networks and intelligent transportation systems, wireless networks
Approximate computing, Signal processing, Stochastic Modeling
LiDAR, optical computing
FMCW radar, MIMO and Passive radar, target parameter estimation, transmit beampattern design
diversity techniques, MIMO fading channels, Next generation wireless communications
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems
machine learning, Next generation wireless communications
MIMO, mmWave/Terahertz communications, optical wireless communicaitons, spatial modulation
Shunyuan Shang
artificial intelligence assisted communications, Cooperative communications, OFDM with index modulation
Cooperative communications, Hardware constrained communications, interference management, solar energy, vehicular monitoring, vehicular tracking
5G, Satellite Communications
deep learning, seismic processing
satellite communication, Signal processing, Wireless communication
Device to Device Communication, IoT, Optical
Syed Abidullah Fareed
artificial intelligence, computer networks, embedded systems, energy efficiency, intrusion detection, IoT, machine learning
connectivity, MIMO radars, social networks., wireless networks, wireless sensor networks
Outage Probability
Cognitive radio network, MIMO
Secure communication, Statistical analysis of radio channel
robust optimization, Signal processing for wireless communications