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Majed Sofiani
Dynamical Systems, Liquid Crystals, non-linear partial differential equations
Wireless communication theory
3D printing, bioimaging, biophotonics, cognitive radio systems, communications, FD-MIMO, laser, MOVPE, solar hydrogen, News
electrical engineering, marine exploration, Sensor networks, News
Communication and Information Theory, Physical layer security
5G and beyond, post-5G era, News
global connectivity, post-disaster communications, Stochastic Geometry, UAV communications
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, News
Unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs, News
Deep learning, machine learning, telecommunication, News
Optical wireless communications, Signal processing, News
MIMO digital signal processing, Optical wireless communications, Spatial multiplexing
spin-orbit torque, Spintronics, Spintronics devices, thin films
5G networks, AI, deep learning, Digital Communications, GSM, MATLAB, Network Design, optical fiber, telecommunication
estimation/cancellation in wireless communications, full duplex communication, Terahertz communications
Device-to-Device Communication, Digital Communication, ECC, error correcting codes, NOMA, Optical wireless communications, Wireless communication
Information theory, Physical layer security, Wireless Communications
Mohamed Afouene Melki
Detection Algorithms, Massive MIMO, Signal processing
Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems, Next generation wireless communications, UAV-enabled Communication Systems
Communication Theory, data science, Signal processing, Wireless Communications
cognitive radio systems, communications, FD-MIMO, modulation schemes, optical wireless communication systems
Spotlight, News
Cooperative relay network, wireless sensor networks
Catastrophic communication, Communication in extreme environments, machine learning, Non-Terrestrial Networks
AI, BLE communication, Neural Networks, Python
adaptive control, Aerial Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, UAV
Cooperative and cognitive systems, Robust adaptive beamforming, Statistical and array signal processing
Muhammad Dzaky Ivansyah
machine learning, neural network
convex optimization, Performance analysis of wireless systems, statistical signal processing
wireless sensor networks
Cooperative diversity systems, Green communications, Wireless Communications
Statistical Signal Processing and Adaptive Filtering
communication systems, Localization, technology advancements.
Internet of Bio-Nano Things, molecular communication, Radio Wave Propagation Modeling, RF Measurements
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks, Laser Communications, Physical layer security, Stochastic Geometry, UAV-enabled Communication Systems
Cognitive Communication, Green communications, Modulation and coding, Performance analysis
Microgrids, Power electronics, Renewable integrations, Renewable-based power systems
Differential equations, Mathematical modeling, Multi-agent systems
Monte Carlo, Wireless communication
artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Generative AI and LLMs
heterogenous vertical networks, Localization, multi-dimensional signal processing, non-conventional communication networks, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking, Wireless Communications
communications, Network Engineering, Graduate Seminar
6G, atmospheric turbulence, pointing errors, News
New study highlights crucial role of digital terrain data accuracy in wireless communication networks coverage planning
Next generation wireless communications, Signal processing
data analysis, MATLAB, Programming language, Web Technologies
5th generation cellular, Federal University of Ceará, Seminar
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative relay network, Interference aware MIMO transmitter and receiver design
Next-generation Wireless Networks, Optical Wireless Communication
Optical Wireless Communication, Security and Privacy, wireless networks
cloud computing, Communication Theory, Distributed algorithms, Image coding, Optimization theory and applications
Panel on key takeaways from the WEF 2024 Top 10 Emerging Technologies
5th generation cellular, FD-MIMO, Marconi Prize, mobile phones, transmissin technology, Young Scholar Awards, Spotlight, News
satellite communication, PhD Dissertation Defense
Free Space Optics, PhD Dissertation Defense
applied mathematics, computational methods, MATLAB, Signal processing
5G and beyond, Cognitive radio network, IoT, Seminar
5G, Seminar
6G, Wireless Communications, News
Cross-layer protocol design, Energy-efficient wireless multihop networks, Spotlight, News